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Flying over the Spanish\French border. Note the numerous vehicle check-points |
The other side, finally around the Pyrenees into France again |
Low level smoke drifting in different directions |
A High Pressure Sky |
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Mike in G-ZH at Montpezat. On a local filming\photography sortie together |
G-ZH Turning right |
Quik G-ZH over the Montpezat Valley |
Finally setting course for Fleurs, en-route to Abbeville from Niort, France |
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A wet and rainy Stoke, UK, on the way home. 3 days of cloud at 200ft and pouring rain. |
Lowering, thickening cloud, and get
I correctly decided to land in this stubble field near Cambridge before being clouded in. |
The sky after landing! Low, think cloud |
The final leg home, near Bedford. The low cloud ended and rose to 7,000ft+
Extremely glad to be home! |